Missy Elliot WTF

I think she’s talking about how the youth today are trying to do provocative too young. My thirteen year old sister is posting stuff like ‘Call me daddy” and pictures in her bra on instagram and sexting because that’s what other girls her age are doing and she feels so dependent on getting a boyfriend and cant go anywhere by herself and is so confused about who she is. She puts off this persona that shes twenty some years old and at home around her family when shes being herself she just acts completely different, and Missy is talking about how this younger generation is starting to do things like this because some people expect it and others just don’t stop them and tell them that that’s not okay, I think that parents are starting to have too lenient a view on things seen somewhat acceptable even though they were raised when they weren’t and they are teaching it to their children who will teach their kids. You see kids as young as 9 having sex now and no one is telling them that its not appropriate. The youth today are treating it as a legitimate thing and older people don’t care enough to correct them. It’s devastating to see girls and boys so young and haven’t even developed doing things that shouldn’t be done.

Missy Elliot WTF

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